Food & Drink Feature

Front cover of the food & Drink section of the New Milton Advertiser newspaper featuring Kerry Witt

Thank you to The Advertiser and Times, Local Lymington newspaper for featuring me on the front pages of your lovely Food & Drink Section.

man and a woman in a forest of leaves crouch down by some bright yellow cocoa pods

This gave me the opportunity to talk about my partnership with Susana Cardenas of Cardenas Chocolate. Susanas Chocolate is of the highest quality because not only is it ethically produced, but she has gone on actual adventures looking for rare and lost varieties of cocoa beans in her native Ecuador. as the article reads: Their 2020 harvest has been called ‘The Harvest of Hope’ produced during a difficult time when the world had been so affected by the pandemic.

I am so excited to share this rare, wonderful chocolate that I have used to create my Dark Chocolate Hearts.

Emily Jagger

Working side by side with creatives, guiding you through the main stages in the journey to selling your services and products online. Building a website with Squarespace. Learning about social media, developing skills and confidence. Producing a blog, getting subscribers for email marketing, and helping you to build up a body of content.

Podcast with the BBC


A Lovely Book for Chocolate Lovers!