Miss Witt Mentioned in Ecuador’s National Press
I have few words to share with you all today by Susanna Cardenas whose chocolate I believe in deeply.
‘ The strongest competition is with ourselves and with the power to raise that level to the highest point every year." We invite you to read our interview published yesterday in Diario El Universo, Ecuador ‘

Miss Witt in the Hampshire Chronical
I trained at City College, before working with Alex Aitken at Le Poussin in Brockenhurst. A relationship that continues to this day as I now supply Southampton Harbour Hotel where he is the Chef Patron, with my products.

Hampshire Living, Autumn 2021
Super proud to have a whole page in Hampshire Living Magazine. As a small business feels so wonderful to be supported by local media. This support makes such a big difference to our local business community and is a welcome boost during these times of uncertainty after such a long period of restrictions during the pandemic.

Podcast with the BBC
Making Sea Salt Caramel Chocolate Brittle with Rebecca Parker on BBC Radio Solent. I really enjoyed talking with Rebecca Parker from BBC Radio Solent about making chocolate on her show ‘The Kitchen Garden’. This gave us the chance to make the most out of listening to the sound of cracking chocolate - all part of the sensory experience! I explained how to temper chocolate and how to test the temperature of the melted chocolate. How do you think the best way is? Why not have a listen to the episode here to find out!

Food & Drink Feature
Thank you to The Advertiser and Times, Local Lymington newspaper for featuring me on the front pages of your lovely Food & Drink Section. I am so excited to share this rare, wonderful chocolate that I have used to create my Dark Chocolate Hearts.

A Lovely Book for Chocolate Lovers!
Sue Quinn is an award-winning food writer, journalist and cookbook author of this wonderful book, Cocoa, An Exploration of Chocolate, With Recipes. I was delighted when Sue asked me to contribute in a professional capacity about the science behind the technique of tempering chocolate.